The SCV membership elected a new Commander-in-Chief Ronnie Gene "Ron" Wilson of Easley, South Carolina. Our camp supported his candidacy and also his initiatives as outlined below. Editor

By Ronnie G. Wilson, Commander-in-Chief

Membership Recruitment & Retention

How to substantially increase the ranks of the Sons of Confederate Veterans has been a problem for a long time, likely since near the time General S.D. Lee urged us on with his famous words uttered nearly a century ago. Many minds have kicked this problem around for a long time without coming up with a satisfactory lasting solution.

It is time for the SCV to stop dithering over this and seriously consider hiring a Recruitment Representative. Let's put this important task in the hands of a full-time salaried employee with recruitment experience. After presenting a plan of action this representative, with input and coordination with the Commander in Chief would energetically make wide spread personal contact and follow up with every prospect. It would be most beneficial to have the same representative make personal and repeat contact with every SCV member who has let his membership lapse. Everyone agrees - membership retention is as important as recruitment. It is an absolute must that we improve in both areas.

Of additional importance, the ideal recruiter should have non-profit fund raising skills and knowledge. This representative could very effective in putting on special fund raising events. Some of those events could feature the lovely and unique atmosphere of Elm Springs and have a substantial impact on the SCV's yearly cash flow

.Heritage Defense
Another priority of mine will be the improvement of the SCV's heritage defense and public relations capabilities.


Although these two separate operations have performed very well and made significant contributions in the past,
I feel there are two excellent reasons why these forces should be combined into one streamlined unit. First, combining would increase our overall capability to tackle problems relating to media and public relations. Second, their functions seem often to run on separate but parallel tracks. Laying out specific goals and tasks for the common good of the SCV will have a needed, positive effect on the morale of those responsible for our outreach efforts.

The coming attacks on this organization require that our capabilities, coordination of expertise, and direction be combined for greater efficiency and a more rapid response when called for. We can achieve this result by combining the Heritage Defense Committee, the Public Affairs Committee, and the Public Relations Committee into an expanded single committee.

This committee will be a "think tank" of talent from within our ranks (hiring an outside public relations firm sounds good but it is unworkable for a number of important and distinct reasons) who can then assist in "crisis management response." Long range PR planning and brainstorming is also a must for the SCV. You can bet our enemies do it.

Another valuable part of my plan for Heritage Defense is rapid internal communications capability. The members of this committee must be linked to each other, including the Heritage Defense Chief, by a dedicated Internet connection akin to the Dispatch. This exclusive link might also include all division and army commanders, the judge advocate in chief and the commander in chief. Such a link would eliminate delays and is an excellent way of discussion or review and instant decision-making while at the same time lessening the chance for any error or misunderstanding.

Given the constant heritage attacks and media bludgeoning we endure it is vitally important that we are at top efficiency in techniques, talent, and tools that place our "message" before the public.

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